Sunday, September 23, 2018

Spritual Inventory

Spiritual Growth Inventory and Development Plan

An opportunity to consider how you have grown, are growing, and could continue to grow in becoming more like Christ in attitudes and actions.

Name ______________________                                     Date _____________________

This inventory process is designed to help you in your spiritual growth process.

 Becoming like Christ centers on Hiswork in us – not on ourwork for Him; however, as followers of Christ, we need to “take stock” occasionally of our spiritual lives, and to be intentional about pursuing growth. 

Before you begin this assessment, take a few minutes to pray; trust God to help you through this process to grow spiritually by revealing those areas in which He wants you to grow, and by empowering you to take action in those areas.

Respond as honestly as possible to the questions below, listening for God’s voice to encourage and challenge you. Use the following scale to respond to each statement.

1 - Rarely or never

– Seldom

– Off & on 

– Quite a bit  Occasionally

5- Consistently

Section 1

I am honest in my relationships with others.

I place the interest of others above my self-interest.

I encourage others.

I have Christian friends who hold me accountable.

I forgive others when their actions harm me.

I actively seek opportunities to mentor newer Christians.


Total for Section 1

Section 2

I engage in regular, daily prayer time.

I trust God to answer when I pray, and wait patiently for His timing.
My prayers include thanksgiving, praise, confession and requests.

I participate regularly in prayer with others.

I pray with and for people who are not in my immediate group of friends or family.
My prayers focus on discovering God’s will, more than expressing my needs.

Total for Section 2

Section 3

I personally regularly read and study my Bible.

I use the Bible as the guide for the way I think and act.

I have someone who I regularly discuss God’s word with.

I honor God with my finances and my personal giving to His work.

I avoid using addictive behaviors (food, television, internet, busyness, etc.) to meet my needs.
When I need direction or need to make a decision, I turn to the Bible for wisdom.


Total for Section 3

Section 4

I sense God’s presence when I praise Him (through word, song or action).

I please God with every dimension of my life.

I actively participate in church worship services.

When I attend a worship service, I do so not because I have to, but because I want to.

My relationship with Christ is motivated more by love than duty or fear.

I experience life change as a result of my worship experiences.


Total for Section 4

Section 5

I do things to help others, expecting nothing in return.

I intentionally cultivate and maintain relationships with non-believers.

I actively pray for family and friends who are not actively following Christ.

I sacrificially contribute my finances to help others in my church and community.

I give my time to serve others, both in the church and in my community.

I desire for God to use me every day in His Kingdom work.


Total for Section 5

What now?

Your spiritual journey as a disciple (follower) of Christ begins the moment you commit to following Christ - from that point on, your life’s call is to continue to grow to become more and more like Jesus. The five areas measured by this assessment are important aspects of every believer’s life, and indicate how you are progressing on your spiritual journey. Your score on each section will help you to identify specific areas where you are exhibiting Christlikeness, and areas which you may need additional growth. Do not be discouraged if you discover areas that need “a little work” - remember that it is Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, that will help you and enable you to grow!

1st Evaluate -Write your total score for each section in below:

Section 1
Relationships with others
Section 2
Prayer life
Section 3
Biblical understanding
Section 4
Worship life
Section 5
Service & witness

2nd Interpret - What your scores mean:

A score of 24-30means you are well-developed in this area – keep up the good work!

A score of 18-23means you’re doing well in this area, but there’s still opportunity for deeper

growth; look back to see if there were particular questions that had low scores to get some insight into specific areas you might want to give attention to.

A score of 12-17in a section means that you’re on your way, and still have some opportunity for some significant growth in this area.

A score of 11 or belowindicates that this is an area that would be a great place to seek growth in this year.

3.  Take Action – What to do next:

Make a plan for how you will pursue growth in a specific area. Seek out a study group, commit to read books on the topic, or ask a friend to partner with you in praying for growth. Some specific suggestions for growth in each of these areas are available on a separate handout. If you would like help in developing a plan or finding more resources, contact our Discipleship office to make an appointment with a mentor who would love to assist you in that process!

Pastor Michael Abagon
(808) 741-6294